46. How to Avoid ‘I’, ‘We’ and ‘You’


Unwanted Pronouns

“I”, “we” and “you” can be difficult to avoid if a passive verb is not possible


The words I, we and you (and equivalent forms like me, my, mine, us and yours) are frequently said to be unsuitable in formal writing. Indeed, the absence of these words, along with various others, is often part of the very definition of this sort of writing (see 166. Appropriacy in Professional English).

The perceived need to avoid words like I, we and you in academic and professional writing also suggests something important about what this kind of writing is not. Academic and professional writers do not try to use impressive wording for its own sake; they only resort to it in order to avoid an undesirable alternative. The over-riding aim, as in most types of writing, is to write as clearly and simply as possible.

The deeper reason that is usually given for avoiding I, we or you in formal English is a need to sound impersonal, objective and functional. These words are felt to conflict with that because they make unnecessary references to particular people. They are suitable only when they stand for some types of I, we or you, such as the writer of a CV or the addressee of an advice leaflet (see 187. Advising and Recommending).

In order to avoid I, we and you, it is necessary to know what substitute language can replace them. This is the same kind of problem as that presented by paraphrasing (see 80. How to Paraphrase). In both cases the solution will often be obvious, but sometimes difficult to see. This discussion concentrates on the difficulty that replacing I, we and you can give when they are the subject of a sentence. For some advice on how to replace them in other sentence positions, see 39. “Decide” or “Make a Decision?”.

For information in this blog about other words to avoid in formal writing, see especially 108. Formal and Informal Words, plus the Learning Materials page under the heading Words to Avoid in Academic Writing. Clicking on “Formal Style” in the CATEGORIES menu on the right of this page will bring up other relevant posts, including the diagnostic 193. A Test of Formal Language Use.



One strategy that is sometimes possible for avoiding an unwanted subject pronoun is replacing it with a more acceptable word. The problem is finding the right one.

I has a small number of alternatives. If its verb is a writing one, such as will describe… or have presented…, then a text-referring noun like this essay or the previous section can replace I. On the other hand, if the verb’s action is outside the text this writer is sometimes possible, though having no word at all through use of a passive verb or equivalent, as outlined below, is usually best. One expression that is very rarely appropriate is the researcher.

Alternatives to we and you also exist in some contexts. We and you meaning “anyone” might be be replaceable by one, someone or people (see 211. General Words for People). You meaning “the reader” can often become the reader or readers.

The pronoun-avoiding strategy that many English courses concentrate on is making the verb passive. Yet in surprisingly many cases this strategy is not possible. The following sentences (except the first) illustrate a range of situations that rule it out.

(a) I will describe three main categories.

(b) I was affected in three different ways.

(c) I proceeded (a little later).

(d) I became a group member.

(e) I want first to provide some background.

(f) I enjoyed sampling the product.

(g) I know that the problem is not solved.

(h) I contend that reading helps grammar learning.

The reason why only (a) can avoid I by means of a standard verb change from active to passive (Three main categories will be described) is that only it possesses the requirements for such a change: an active verb (will describe) with an object (categories − for details of objects, see 8. Object-Dropping Errors).

In sentence (b), a change from active to passive is not possible because the verb with I is already passive (was affected). In the others, although the verb with I is active, there is no object. Sentence (c) has an active verb with nothing at all after it, or just the adverb phrase a little later. In (d), there is a noun after the verb (group member), but it is a complement rather than an object (it refers to the subject). The other sentences all have another verb after the one with I. In (e) this verb is in the infinitive form (to provide), in (f) it has -ing, while in (g) and (h) it is in an ordinary statement after that.

Yet all of these problem structures can be altered so as to avoid the undesirable I. Even sentence (a) can be altered without using a passive verb: instead of will be described it could have a different verb in the active voice, such as follow (see 27. How to Avoid Passive Verbs) or there are (see 161. Special Uses of “There” Sentences). The rest of this post is about structural changes for avoiding unwanted pronouns in sentences like (b)–(h).



1. When the Verb is Already Passive or Lacks an Object

In this situation – sentences (b) and (c) above – the most useful strategy appears to be to change the verb into a related noun (see 131. Uses of “Action” Nouns, #3). Here are sentences (b) and (c) after this change (with the relevant nouns underlined): 

(b1) Three different effects were felt.

(c1) The procedure was performed (a little later). 

Finding a related noun (or a synonym of one) is not so difficult (see 249. Action Noun Endings); a greater challenge is often finding the verb to go with it, especially since some appropriate verbs are quite idiomatic partners of the chosen noun (see 173. “Do Research” or “Make Research”?). For further examples of this way to avoid informal pronouns, see 39. “Decide” or “Make a Decision”?.

If the subject of the sentence lacks the (as in b1) there + BE is often another possibility (There were three…). For more, see 161. Special Uses of “There” Sentences).


2. When the Verb Has a Complement

A complement is a noun, pronoun or adjective that is matched by a verb to an earlier noun or pronoun (see 220. Features of Complements). For example, in (d) above the complement a group member matches I – they are the same person. Complements can often be recognised from the verbs they follow: BECOME, BE and a few others. In addition to (d) above, the following all contain a complement: 

(i) I became uncomfortable.

(j) I felt proud.

(k) I was a supervisor. 

These sentences can be paraphrased without I like this: 

(d1) Group membership was taken up.

(i1) Discomfort was felt/There was discomfort.

(j1)  (A feeling of) pride was experienced.

(k1) A supervisory position was held. 

Generalizing from these is difficult, but the main tendency seems to be to make the complement into the subject of the new sentence, rather as we do with objects. Adjective complements (uncomfortable, proud) become related nouns (discomfort, pride), whereas noun complements (a group member, a supervisor) often need to be slightly changed (in these examples the meaning of “status” or “position” or “role” needs to be added).


3. When the Verb Has another Verb Soon After

A very useful avoidance strategy here is to begin with it and a form of BE. Compare the following with the original sentences above: 

(e1) It is necessary first TO PROVIDE some background.

(f1) It was enjoyable SAMPLING/TO SAMPLE the product.

(g1) It is recognised that the problem IS not SOLVED.

(h1) It can be contended that reading HELPS grammar learning.

The second verb in such sentences (capitalised) sometimes has to, sometimes -ing and sometimes that… (see 103. Representing a Later Statement with “It”). Before to or -ing, an alternative to an I verb – I want and I enjoyed in (e) and (f) above – is often it is/was + the I verb’s related adjective: necessary and enjoyable in (e1) and (f1).

Before that…, however, a passive verb often seems the best choice after a starting it, though one could instead use BE + a “truth” adjective like acceptable, arguable, certain, clear, (in)correct, definite, likely, possible, probable and (un)true. Truth adjectives are especially useful for agreeing or disagreeing without saying I (dis)agree (see 152. Agreeing and Disagreeing in Formal Contexts).

Using a passive verb after it in order to avoid I sometimes necessitates is, as in (g1), and sometimes can be, as in (h1). Using can be when is is needed is likely to sound strange; using is when can be is needed gives the wrong meaning: not “by me” but either “by everyone” (see 22. Multiple Speakers in a Text) or “by me elsewhere” (a common use in abstracts, which report content rather than develop it).

How can one know whether to use is or can be when avoiding I with a non-reporting passive verb? The choice seems to depend on the partner verb. RECOGNISE is a thought verb, CONTEND a speech one. Other thought verbs that, like RECOGNISE, usually have is to mean “by me” include BELIEVE, CONSIDER, DEEM, EXPECT, FEEL, HOLD, HOPE and KNOW. An exception is THINK – is thought is always reporting (and cannot have can be instead of is).

Speech verbs that, like CONTEND, need can be to develop a point without using I commonly express particular types of meaning. Some resemble CONTEND (e.g. ARGUE, CONSIDER, MAINTAIN, CLAIM), some are naming (CALL, DUB, NAME, REFER TO), some are exemplifying (EXEMPLIFY, ILLUSTRATE), some are classifying (CATEGORISE, CLASSIFY, DIVIDE, SEPARATE, SPLIT), and one (DEFINE) is defining (see 237. Auxiliary Verbs in Professional Communication, #4).

Many sentences that allow it can also be written with there + BE + NOUN (see 161. Special Uses of “There” Sentences, #4). This is certainly true of sentences (e1), (f1) and (g1), which could respectively begin There is a need…, There was enjoyment… and There is recognition…. Note how a need is preferred to a necessity. The negative There is no need to… is also common.

Sentences like (h1) could also begin there is an argument…, though this is probably more often used for reporting a contention than simply making one.

25 thoughts on “46. How to Avoid ‘I’, ‘We’ and ‘You’

  1. Do you know how you could replace we in this sentence: Although the consequences of death are unknown, we all must accept it when it truly comes.

    • Hi Isabela. Your sentence is a fairly straightforward one to rephrase because it contains an active verb with an object (“accept it”). Just make the object “it” into the subject and put the verb “accept” into the passive voice : “It must be accepted by us all…”. “We” becomes “us” here because it has had a preposition (“by”) placed before it.

  2. Hi, I am writing an essay and I have this sentence “When we are in pursuit of a goal, we do not know if we will succeed until we do.” and i do not know how to make it formal.

    • Yes, I see your problem! I would say “When a goal is pursued, there is no certainty it will be achieved until it is”. The first “we” is avoided by making “goal” the subject of a passive verb. The second is avoided with “there is” + noun so as to get around the inability of “know” to be passive. The third “we” also has a verb that cannot be passive (“succeed”), the problem being solved by paraphrasing with a verb that does have a passive use (“be achieved”). This passive is then repeated with “is” where you had “do”.

  3. Hi Paul, I am working on the answer letter for the reviewers’ comments. I start my answers with “Thank you for your comments”, which Grammarly does not like. It says personal pronouns are not acceptable in formal writing. How can I replace this sentence? Thanks!

    • Hi Miklos. Thanks for your question. I myself would be quite happy writing “Thank you” in the situation you describe, assuming the letter is addressed to the author of the comments, and not an editor who has relayed them. A weakness of style-check software is that it tends not to take account of all possible contexts of use! However, a suitable alternative does exist. You could write “I am grateful for the comments provided” or, if you wish to avoid “I”, “the offered comments are much appreciated”.

  4. Thank you so much. The explanation is excellent! I am trying to improve my English and academic English. This article helps me a lot in writing

  5. Do you know how I could change “We can use…”, I’m making an essay on the importance of telling details and I often say “We can use telling details to…” and I was wondering if you knew a way around this. (Thanks for this great article btw)

    • Thanks for your feedback and question. You could use “one” instead of “we”, or start with “it” (“It is possible to use…”) or, best of all, say “Telling details is useful for… -ing”.

  6. Third person
    The report argues/indicted/suggests
    It was found that
    It could be said
    When these issues are considered, it is clear that…..

    AVOID using personal judgement words2 USE words referring to the evidence
    I think An examination of the findings indicates
    I feel In light of the evidence,
    I believe Previous research identifies/suggests
    I am convinced that Considering the results,
    I disliked According to the figures,
    I liked As shown in the diagram,
    I agree It is evident from the data that
    I disagree The literature suggests
    I am sure that Given this information,
    It is my belief that Some theorists argue that

      • The lists provided are examples and alternatives to using the first person I formal writing such as academic essays. The thread responds to questions concerning this but doesn’t give alternative examples, hence this list.

    • If I understand you rightly, you want an expression that could replace “I” in the way “one” can replace “you”, usable as an alternative to avoiding “I” in one of the ways suggested above. I think there are some possibilities, but I would recommend trying to achieve avoidance first. One replacement that I would definitely not recommend is “the researcher” – a favourite of some particular students I was once the tutor of. I always found that their use of it sounded inappropriate. Sometimes you see “this writer”. The one that I like best, though, is “this research” (or “essay” or “report” or whatever) – in other words giving these inanimate things the role of “I”.

  7. “If there’s even one culture that you’d like to understand better, or even one person in your life you’d like to know better, then one of the best ways you can start is by learning to speak their language “. How can I me this impersonal ? I always find it difficult to avoid the use of the pronoun “you” and I don’t know what to replace it with. Can you please help me ?

    • Hi. I must apologise for having given an earlier answer to this question that suggested I misunderstood it. I think you want me to rephrase the text you have quoted so that it does not have “you”. I agree it’s a difficult one. In such situations, I often find that the best solution is to use “one” instead of “you”. I would suggest: “If there’s even a single culture that one would like to understand better, or even a single person in life that one would like to know better, then one of the best ways to start is by learning to speak their language”. I have used “a single” here in order not to use “one” too much.

    • If the intention is to maintain the original wording of the sentence, I frankly don’t see a solution to your problem. The trick is not to replace the you’s, but to eliminate them. Recasting the sentence is an option that will eliminate wordiness into the bargain. I might suggest something like, “In order to understand foreign cultures or people better, then one of the best ways is to learn their language.”

      • Thanks, Mark. Your contribution makes me realise I originally misread Wasnae’s comment, so I offer apologies to all if my earlier response sounded unhelpful. The response I should have given is that the use of “you” illustrated by Wasnae (“you’d like to understand better”) is an example of the situation described in the post as “when the verb with ‘I’ has another verb soon after” (the two verbs being “would like” and “to understand”). If you use the avoidance strategy I recommend for such combinations (a sentence starting with “it”), you get “If there is even one culture, or even one person in your life, that IT IS DESIRABLE to understand better, then one of the best ways TO START is by learning to speak their language”. I’m not saying this is better than the suggested alternative, only that it offers a specific means of recasting for those who cannot see one.

  8. Hi Max. Thanks for your kind feedback and interesting question. I should indeed have said something in this post about job applications. I need to say that using “I” is actually alright in job applications, since you, the writer, are very much the focus of the text. However, for talking about work experience in a curriculum vitae, it is quite common to find sentences that simply leave out “I” and begin with the verb (e.g. “Handled telephone enquiries”). More about this is in the post 93. Good and Bad Lists.

  9. Hi Paul
    Can you please put more examples regarding to this topic. For non natives English speakers avoiding I when writing a cover letter for job application. So if you can put up more explanation and examples would be great deal of help. Thanks!

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